Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Everyone I talk to about the wedding asks the same question without fail: "Are you excited!?"...... Um.. YEAH!  Why wouldn't I be excited??  It would be pretty sad if you asked that to someone and they said no.  So just so everyone is aware, the following are the top ten reasons why I am excited to be married to Karsten.

10.  Karsten loves country music.  This was one of the first things that attracted me to this boy.  Girls love country boys :)

9.  Karsten is very frugal.   I have two shopping weaknesses: Michael's and Office Max.  Thankfully, I found someone who is very good at determining things we could probably wait to buy.  I need this influence..

8.  Karsten has a plan.  Karsten doesn't do things by the seat of his pants.  He's had a career plan ever since high school.  He is very motivated and focused and applies this to every aspect of his life.

7.  Karsten's family.  He has one older brother, two younger brothers, and one younger sister.  Since I'm the youngest in my family, I never had the opportunity to play with younger siblings.  They are so fun and playful, yet they seem to know when to cool it.  I LOVE them!

6.  Karsten is thoughtful.  I hardly have to ask Karsten to do anything for me.  He just does it.  Just to name a few, he opens my door (EVERY TIME), he'll give me a foot massage, helps do the dinner dishes, takes out the trash for my mom, and brings me lunch while I'm at work.

5.  Karsten is a clean freak.  Anyone who knows me knows this is important.  Karsten hates a mess.  He doesn't leave dishes in the sink, he keeps his car immaculate, and he is always showered and fresh smelling!

4.  Karsten is a romantic.  Karsten went to Spain on his mission, but he never speaks in spanish... except when he whispers sweet-nothings to me.  It's so cute.  The English lines are pretty cute too, though.  Warning: the following message is quite mushy.

3.  Karsten and I have so much in common.  Karsten knows what I am thinking before I even think it.  Karsten gets me because much of the time, he is thinking the same exact thing.

2.  Karsten and I are friends.  Even out of his guy friends, I'm the first person that Karsten wants to give a high-five to, and vice versa... I'm probably the only one he wants to kiss though ;)

1.  I'll get to look at this smile forever!

There is so much more I could write about Karsten.  In fact the first draft of this top ten list was the length of a novel.  The bottom line is, I found the guy of my dreams and we are a perfect fit.  So yes, world, I'm excited to be married!

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