Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Married with disappointments

WARNING:  This story doesn't have a happy ending.  Not for the faint of heart.  

Okay, Okay.. This whole time I have been telling stories about how fun marriage is.  We've been doing fun things, we love just being with each other, and life is made of rainbows and smiles.  In all honesty, this really has been how our marriage has been... until now.

Karsten and I faced our first bump in the road.  We have been looking to buy a house for nearly 16 months now.  We have put in offer after offer with no success.  If you are in the process of looking for a house now and think you have bad luck, you don't.  Karsten and I get swooped on with cash offers from investors EVEN WHEN WE ARE IN ESCROW (which is illegal, by the way).  We lose out on houses we love because of greedy banks and awful realtors of the seller.  All at no fault to our amazing realtor (my sister).  We have just had bad luck.

Karsten is better at this than I am.  I tend to get attached fall in love.  And as a result, my heart has been broken tens of times in the last year or so.  Very recently, I thought we found it.  I thought we found the house we were meant to had.  I thought our prayers were answered and we missed out on all of those houses because we were meant to have this one.  I got strong feelings and made plans for our future family.  I was practically picking out paint colors.  I really felt like this was the one.

It wasn't.  The bank got greedy and as of a few hours ago, I found out they raised the price and it is out of our reach.  I'm currently in tears.  Blogging usually isn't the first thing I do when I'm upset but I feel I need to.  Since this is a blog about our marriage, I need to mention our bumps.  Everything won't be exactly as we imagine it.  This is especially difficult for me since I plan everything and freak out when things go wrong.  Things have gone very wrong.

At the end of the day, however, life goes on.  Karsten will wipe my tears and we'll pick up right where we left off.  Karsten and I have a lot of things going for us.  No, we don't have a house of our own.  No, we don't have a backyard of our own.  But I would trade all of that for what I've got now.  

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